100 gr protein wheat flour be
400 gr tall protein wheat flours
100 gr sand sugars
1 instant's fermented case (11gr)
½ sdt is salt
100 ml waters
3 egg yolks
100 gr butters
300 gr ambon's bananas, ground
Oil to fry
Decoration material:
Trick Makes:
1. Sieve all fermented entry wheat swirl rolled out, entry new sand sugar.
2. Add salt, water and egg while continually been swirled and diuleni, better water at entry 1 / 2 a part before, keeping that 1 / 2 a part again
3. Ground banana entry, stirred up rolled out, butter entry last, uleni continually until kalis
4. Essay dough, if is perceived still hard adds water rest, uleni until kalis
5. Idled by dough up to 20 minutes until mengembang
6. kempiskan, weigh dough as heavy as 30gr to each doughnut, then rounds
7. Form, and holes its mean, rule in monotonic container corresponds to its thread
8. Idled by back up to 10 minutes, then shirring began by thread is first to be formed, until brownish, cool lift
9. Decked out with re cover by blueband and taburi meses (can doughnut sugar vesture).
NB: Sumber majalah Sedap Pemula
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