Sunday, May 10, 2009


1kg is cassava, husk then is rasped
1 btg onion leaf, takings that its green only
1 sdt salt
100 gr coconut rasps
200 gr tempe is grounded
5 lbr basils

Ground condiment:
4 red onions
2 garlics
½ cm kencur
1 sdt sand sugar
1 sdt salt
½ sdt merica
5 cayenne tingle
3 chillis tingle to curl
½ sdt masako perceives chicken( if favor)

Trick Makes:
Loading material:

Cook ground condiment until odoriferous, then tempe's entry already at grounds, and basil, ( if needs at adds water 50 ml), stirred up rolled out, cook until ripe. Lift then sets apart.

Cassava mingling rasps, onion leaf, salt and scar coconut, stirred up rolled out. Takings one tablespoon batters, attenuated, then content with material loading, round and be attenuated again, then shirring with hot oil until ripe( rather chocolate), Readily been presented.

NB: While are we work, rest batters last and content material at meddling, then at cooks, apparently its taste cosier.


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